Equity and inclusion in higher education: Access to health care


Equity and inclusion in higher education should, at minimum, involve making sure your students’ and trainees’ basic needs are met. The University of California has increased its attention towards food and housing security needs amongst its students (if not actually making a lot of progress).

However, we have very little insight on students’ access to healthcare, and how lack of access, and the stress of financial costs impact student well-being, health and academic outcomes. Healthcare needs are not included in the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey, and the literature on college student health in general is incredibly limited as well.

UCD alum Vicky Vong, BA ’22, and Johns Hopkins MSPH ’24, reflecting on her and her sister’s experiences as low-income students at two different UC campuses, wanted to see how other low-income UC students were faring.  Vicky led the literature review, design, and analysis of a focus group study, with the guidance of (then doctoral student) Jenny Wagner, and the findings were recently published in the Journal of American College Health.

Vong V, Wagner JL, Ko M. Experiences of low-income college students in selection of health insurance, access, and quality of care. J Am Coll Health. 2023 Dec 1:1-10. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2023.2283741. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38039417.

Takeaway: University administrators- and the world of college health research- assume that students have equitable, timely affordable access to healthcare, perhaps because universities provide student health insurance, student health services, and so on. However, that doesn’t account for the realities of Medicaid, co-payments, health insurance literacy,  navigating private sector healthcare…and more.

Check out Vicky’s paper to see how this shows up, and how students’ lives are impacted.

Racism and peer review: When your “peers” are not your peers


Following George Floyd’s murder and the ongoing racial justice movement, funders and journals in public health announced a slew of new opportunities specific to anti-racism, structural racism, and so on, suddenly feeling the urgency to acknowledge that racism has been killing Americans…since, well, the beginning.

These were important first steps in recognizing how scholars have been shut out of research and academia- but these opportunities were still built off the existing research enterprise infrastructure. Which- no surprise- is racist in its construction.

How so? Besides systematically denying funding and publication on racism and health, to scholars racialized as non-white, we also have:

  • Systematic underfunding/disinvestment in minority serving institutions, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities- thus less support services for scholars at those institutions and lower ratings on institutional environment (in grant review)
  • Ignorance (deliberate or intentional) of scholarship particularly those with a critical stance (eg devaluation of the work in ethnic studies, critical race theory and extensions)
  • Denigration of methods of those scholars, as well as other methods e.g. all of qualitative research, community-engaged work, etc
  • Lack of diversity and advancement within academia

To name a few.

These conditions have led us to the present conditions which we have new funding and publication mechanisms, reliant upon a traditional peer review system in which reviewers are poorly qualified- and at times oppositional- to any work on racism. Furthermore, editors are not necessarily equipped to identify or mitigate low quality peer review. This is just one pillar of the racism within research.

What happens when you just stack new objects on the same old foundation?

Check out the Health Affairs Forefront essay on the poor quality of peer review and consequences: Peer Review and Structural Racism.



Structured travel time and distance inequities in access to hospitals in the U.S. South


White sign covers the existing sign of in front of a hospital and says "This hospital is CLOSED, if this is an emergency call 911." The sign is flanked by shrubs and lamps posts.

In 2019, a PhD student in medical geography at the University of Illinois posted on Twitter about her interest in studying rural hospital closures. An assistant professor from UC Davis DM’ed her to say, we should talk! They met up at a cafe near the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in Washington, D.C. And a speedy 4 years, many datasets, analyses, a move, a new baby later…they finally published the first analysis.

Following up from her previous conceptualization on time as a social determinant of health, Arianna M. Planey uses the cases of access to acute care hospitals in the U.S. South to illustrate the construction of racialized inequities in healthcare.

In addition to grounding the motivation and analysis in the theoretical frameworks of structural racism and access to healthcare, Dr. Planey’s approach shows the benefits of drawing from geography methods to improve health services research, including:

Methodological improvements:

-Use of a validated hospital dataset that accounts for closures and mergers to determine actual losses of sites.

-Use of travel time/distance as an outcome. Most analyses of rural hospital closures, which use ‘container’ methods, e.g. documenting changes in hospital supply by county. In this manuscript, Dr. Planey examines travel time and travel distance. She shows that the impact on travel time and distance is relatively smaller than simply examining gains/losses by county.

-Estimates from the population-weighted centroids of Census tracts, i.e. not the geographic center (commonly used) but rather, based on where people live within the tract.

Examination of both nearest and next-nearest hospital. This is a key consideration in rural hospital analyses, as community members have high rates of hospital bypass- for many reasons, including lack of specialty services and distrust of the nearest facility. For racially minoritized communities, the nearest hospital may not offer the services for linguistically, culturally appropriate care, which can include care that is respectful and trustworthy.

Findings: You can read more, TLDR Black and Latinx communities have longer travel times/distances to next nearest and nearest hospitals, despite being less remote than rural white communities.

And…what? you want to see what the impact is on access to care? Stay tuned….

Planey AM, Planey DA, Wong S, McLafferty SL, Ko MJ. Structural Factors and Racial/Ethnic Inequities in Travel Times to Acute Care Hospitals in the Rural US South, 2007-2018. Milbank Q. 2023 May 15. doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12655. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37190885