Healthcare Safety Net

Safety Net Systems

Ko M, Murphy J, Bindman AB. Integrating health care for the most vulnerable: Bridging the differences in organizational cultures between U.S. hospitals and community health centers. American Journal of Public Health. 2015. November: 105 (Supp. 5): S676-9.

Murphy J, Ko M, Kizer KW, Bindman AB. Policy levers to integrate safety-net hospitals and community health centers: Are they being utilized? Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 2015. April: 40(2): 403-419.

Public Hospitals

Ko M, Derose KP, Needleman J, Ponce NA. Whose social capital matters? The case of U.S. urban public hospital closures and privatizations. Social Science and Medicine. 2014. August: 114: 188-196.

Ko M, Needleman J, Derose KP, Laugesen M, Ponce NA. Residential segregation and the survival of U.S. urban public hospitals. Medical Care Research and Review. June: 71(3): 243-60.

Community Health Centers

Ko M, Cummings JC, Ponce NA. Changes in the supply of rural health centers, 2000-2011: Implications for rural minority communities. Journal of Rural Health. 2015. September. E-pub ahead of print: doi: 10.1111/jrh.12147.

Ko M, Ponce NA. Community residential segregation and the local supply of Federally Qualified Health Centers. Health Services Research. 2013. Feb: 48(1): 253-70.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment

Cummings JR, Wen H, Ko M. Decline in public substance abuse disorder treatment centers most serious in counties with high shares of black residents.. Health Affairs. 2016. June. 35:1036-1044

Cummings, JR, Wen H, Ko M, Druss BG. Race/ethnicity and geographic access to Medicaid substance use facilities in the United States. JAMA Psychiatry. Feb: 71(2): 190-6.

Cummings, JR, Wen H, Ko M, Druss BG. Geography and the Medicaid mental health care infrastructure: Implications for health care reform. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013. Oct: 70(10): 1084-1090.