Sometimes I write things that not very valuable in academic medicine but I still think of as scholarly contributions = no one is paying me but I can’t help myself from writing.
Works in Progress
Organizing for racial justice within academic medicine. Co-author: Nichole Roxas, MD and Eraka Bath, MD.
Academic publications: Commentaries, essays, blogs etc
Ko M, Victoria Ngo, PhD, Angela Zhang, MD, Russyan Mark Mabeza, MPH, and Monica Hahn, MD. Asian Americans and racial justice in medicine. New England Journal of Medicine. 2024;390:372-378.
Ko M. Improving peer review for structural racism and health research. Health Affairs July 10, 2023. 10.1377/forefront.20230707.6457
Ko M. Sickening: Anti-Black racism and health disparities in the United States. J Health Polit Policy Law 2023; 10640241
Wallace DD, Urquiza K, Raifman R, Ko M. Putting equity at the heart of the US government’s rollout of covid tests and masks. BMJ 2022;376:o344
Esparza CJ*, Simon M, Bath E, Ko M. Doing the work — or not: The promise and limitations of diversity, equity and inclusion in US medical schools and academic medical centers. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022. June. org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.900283
Ko M. Racism in my medical education. Health Affairs. 2020;39(6):1087-91.
Ko M, Ton H. The not-underrepresented minorities: Asian Americans, diversity, and admissions. Academic Medicine. 2020 Feb; 95(2): 184-9.
Ko M, Shim R. Dismantling institutional racism: It’s time to abandon the U.S. News & World Report Rankings. AM Rounds, Beyond the Pages of Academic Medicine. December 29, 2020.
Ko M, Ton H. Why does the Harvard case on Asian American discrimination matter for academic medicine? AM Rounds, Beyond the Pages of Academic Medicine. December 3, 2019.
Ko M, Bitler M. Medicaid under block grants: Lessons from welfare reform. Health Affairs Blog. July 7, 2017.
Ko M, Bindman AB. No man is an island: disentangling multilevel effects in health services research. BMJ Quality and Safety. 2014. March: 23(3): 177-9.
News media and other public outlets
Ko M. The anti-Asian racism of US COVID-19 policy. KevinMD. May 4, 2022.
Ko M. It’s time for smart mask policies in schools. Davis Enterprise. March 13, 2022.