Healthcare Workforce

Physicians, Diversity, and Medical Education

Ko M, Ton H. The not underrepresented minorities: Asian Americans, Diversity and Admissions. Academic Medicine. 2019. Published ahead of print.

Ko M, Heslin K, Edelstein R, Grumbach K. The role of medical education in reducing healthcare disparities: the first ten years of the UCLA/Drew Medical Education Program. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2007. May: 22(5): 625-31.

Ko M, Edelstein R, Heslin K, Rajagopalan S, Wilkerson L, Colburn L, Grumbach K. Impact of the University of California, Los Angeles/Charles R. Drew University Medical Education Program on medical students’ intentions to practice in underserved areas. Academic Medicine. 2005. Sep: 80(9): 803-8.

Long-term Care Workforce

Ko M, Newcomer RJ, Kang T, Hulett D, Chu P, Bindman AB. Payment rates for personal care assistants and the use of long-term services and supports among those dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. Health Services Research, Best of Academyhealth Annual Research Meeting 2014 special issue. 2014. December: 49(6): 1812-1831.

Ko M, Wagner L, Spetz J. Nursing home implementation of health information technology: Review of the literature finds inadequate investment in preparation, infrastructure, and training. Inquiry. 2018. 55


Coffman J, Fix M, Ko M. California physician supply and distribution: Headed for a drought? Report published by the California Healthcare Foundation. June 25, 2018.

Ko M, Newcomer R, Bindman AB, Kang T, Spetz J. Payment rates and turnover in personal care assistants: Family and non-family member providers. Report published by the UCSF Workforce Center in Long-term Care for the Health Resources and Services Administration. 2015.

Ko M, Wagner, L.  Okwandu, MPH and Joanne Spetz, PhD. Health information technology implementation: Implications for the nursing home workforce.  Report published by the UCSF Workforce Center in Long-term Care for the Health Resources and Services Administration. 2016.